Every citizen in North Carolina deserves the opportunity to have a quality and affordable education. Our commitment to education must begin at birth and continue throughout life with access to higher education and job re-training. In North Carolina, we have limited our investment in education.
We must make a real commitment to education. Early childhood education and positive life experiences are critical to giving every young person a sound foundation for life.
The opportunity to attain an education for many families is out of reach because of the high price tag. It is time to create policies that reduce student loan debt, increase funding for our public schools, make community college free, and expand opportunities for job retraining. All these efforts will reduce the cost of college and help stimulate the economy.
Additionally, our commitment must include retraining for older adults who want to continue to be in the workforce but need new job skills.I will work to ensure our educators have a voice in developing policies that prepare our students for the future.